

Swaggerはオープンソース・ソフトウェア、オープンなフォーマットと言うこともあり、関連するライブラリが幾つか存在します。OpenAPI Initiativeが設立されたこともあり、業界標準となっていけばさらに登場してくるのではないでしょうか。 今回はそんなSwagg…

A Great Future Created by JSON Schema

JSON has been increasingly adopted as a Web API format. While JSON can be handled easily in light description languages, the trouble it has with assuring data content is viewed as problematic. For this reason, JSON Schema, which defines th…

5 Services of APIs indexing for find useful API

When you will mash up APIs and create a new service, you have to first find an API providing the data that you need. In this installment, I summarize services offering directories of APIs. PublicAPIs As of this writing, this indexing servi…

The Way of Enterprise API Utilization – Interview with API Gateway Developer Team

What are the challenges and advantages of enterprise API utilization? In order to get a grasp of the situation, we conducted an interview with Mr. Kato, an API gateway developer. The interviewer is Nakatsugawa from MOONGIFT. What are the A…

Let's Try! 5 API Services of Machine Learning

The evolution of the cloud has brought big data and the field of machine learning, which is currently receiving a lot of attention as the next big thing. Actually, machine learning has quite an extensive history, with research beginning ba…

The eight requirements of enterprise API

In this installment, I will write about precautions involved in offering an enterprise-level API. With increased use of APIs in BtoB and other enterprise contexts, taking the following points in mind is sure to help you provide a more user…

JSON Schema Generator Software and Libraries

It is not realistic to manually create JSON schema. It is something used by the system, there are aspects which are difficult to understand how to write, and it is bothersome to describe things such as the validation conditions. This is wh…

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